


General Contractor:


Walker Diving was contracted by Kinsley Construction of York, PA to install the raw water intakes for York Water’s new pump station. The new pump station had four 24” diameter intake screens located in the Susquehanna River approximately 250 LF from shore. First, Walker Diving had to drill and blast the bedrock. Walker Diving subcontracted the services of J-Roys, Inc. for the drilling and blasting work from Walker Diving's barge. Next, Walker Diving excavated the shot rock using a long reach excavator mounted on a barge. While Walker Diving was excavating, Kinsley’s tunnel contractor drilled from the plant to a point approximately 150 LF off-shore with a tunnel-boring machine (TBM). When the TBM broke through the rock into the submerged pit, Walker Diving recovered the unit. This procedure was repeated twice. Then, Walker Diving fabricated the intake piping, rebar and forms for the first of two intake structures. Each structure was approximately thirty two by ten by eight feet. After setting the form assemblies on the bottom, each assembly was pumped with about 100 cubic yards of concrete. Walker Diving then installed thirty-six inch D.I.P. and four-inch airlines between each structure and the tunnel casings. Walker Diving covered the pipes by pumping 180 cubic yards of concrete underwater. Finally, Walker Diving backfilled the trench area and tested the intakes, which worked flawlessly the first time! (2003)

Form & Rebar Work with Piping to be Installed


Setting of ½ the Formed Intake Structure (including Piping) in River
